
taste: simple salads

for those of us who eat our greens religiously
and are always looking for new salads to make
(because plain mixed greens or caesar
just doesn't cut it some days;
not to mention how expensive it can get
when you buy it ready-made)
here are some awesome salad recipes
that are not only incredibly simple to make
but also won't piss off your tastebuds.

image & recipes via nytimes


  1. Those look pretty damn good. Maybe I'll send you some kale, tomatoes and cucumbers from my garden. Mix them up with a simple dressing and you're set. (I have a feeling, though, that the tomatoes wouldn't do well in the mail.)

  2. the tomatoes... not so much...
    how are you?
    the little one is so cute, btw.
    she seems to be growing quite fast
    (doing it adorably of course).
    you should try making some of these salads for granny.
